Assistance with Immigration and foreign Residence/Citizenship
In the era of globalization and increased mobility, issues of immigration and getting residence permits or citizenship in a foreign country are becoming increasingly relevant. For many, this is not just about relocation but also a strategic move linked to tax optimization, improving quality of life, or expanding business opportunities.
Who is it relevant for?

Immigration services and comprehensive support in getting residence permits/citizenship are demanded by entrepreneurs, investors, and individuals wishing to relocate for work, business, or simply to improve their quality of life. They are also relevant for those aiming to optimize tax obligations or ensure greater legal and financial stability for themselves and their families.

Why is it important?

The immigration and citizenship acquisition process involves not only legal but also tax aspects that can significantly impact personal and business finances. Professional assistance in this process helps minimize risks, optimize tax payments, and ensure a smooth transition to a new status.

Besides, foreign financial institutions under the pressure of sanctions limit access to assets of Russian citizens having no second passport and/or residence permit of other countries. In this regard, obtaining a residence permit becomes necessary to be able to move capital, open new accounts, and manage your money. 

's services include
Consulting on choosing the best program for getting a residence or citizenship in a foreign country, as well as supporting private clients in getting residence/citizenship

or citizenship in a foreign country, as well as supporting private clients in getting residence/citizenship

Supporting private clients in the process of renouncing Russian citizenship
Analysis of tax and currency consequences of losing Russian tax residence status
Analysis of tax consequences of changing Russian tax residence status

including a comparative analysis of jurisdictions for getting a new tax resident status focusing on special programs with preferential tax treatment

Case Examples
Choosing an immigration program with pptimal tax conditions
Case #1
Choosing an Immigration Program with Optimal Tax Conditions
What has been done
A comparative analysis of jurisdictions was carried out and support was provided in the selection and implementation of a residence permit/citizenship program that provides preferential tax regimes
Optimization of the client’s tax obligations
Supporting the process of renouncing Russian citizenship and analyzing consequences
Case #2
A client decides to renounce Russian citizenship in favor of citizenship in another country faces the need to analyze tax and currency consequences
What has been done
Сonsultations were held and full support of the procedure was provided, including the preparation of necessary documentation and representation of the client’s interests
The rights and interests of the client are protected
Optimizing tax status when changing residence
Case #3
A client is planning to change their tax residence and seeks ways to minimize tax burdens on their international income
What has been done
An in-depth analysis of the tax consequences of the status change has been carried out, including a detailed study of special tax regimes in potential countries for relocation to help the client make an informed decision
Support in the process of obtaining a new tax residence and adaptation of the financial strategy to new conditions provided not only legal but also financial benefits reduced the overall tax burden and guaranteed the legal transfer of capital
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